It’s estimated that in 2023 there was around 4.95 billion social media users around the world, and increase of around 78% since 2019.

It doesn’t matter whether you’re a solopreneur, a small business with a few employees, or a large international organisation; you need to have a presence on social media.

Social media has become a critical element of our sales funnels. It’s a way to connect with our customers/potential customers and increase our brand awareness; to ultimately increase our leads and boost our sales.

But before getting started, there are a few things to think about. Here are our top tips on how to give your company a voice through social media and why it matters.

Develop a strategy Before getting started and into the habit of posting something for the sake of putting content out there, it’s important to develop a strategy. You want to create a strong, organic presence and target the right people to increase your sales. It’s unfortunately not something that happens overnight and sometimes involves a little trial and error before getting it right. To get started think about:

· What are you trying to achieve with social media? Increasing visibility, gaining sign ups, bookings, subscribers etc

· Who are you trying to appeal to? What do they like?

· How does your strategy fit in with your business goals and objectives?

· What type of content do you want to share?

· What is your competition doing?

What do your customers want? Ultimately you want to increase sales, but you need to ensure you are adding value to what you’re putting out there in order to attract the right people. Potential customers don’t want to see the same sales post over and over again, telling them to buy now or sign up. You need to build a relationship with them. Focus on what their pain points are, why do they need to buy from you, how are you going to help them rather than sell, sell, sell.

Create awareness If nobody knows about your business, you have no one to sell to. Social media allows you to reach a wider audience, allowing you to become visible to potential customers. It’s not something that happens overnight; you have to spend time creating awareness of who you are and what you can offer them.

Visibility It’s important to put content out regularly. An odd post every now and then won’t help with social media algorithms and will leave you battling to be seen. People don’t tend to buy straight away from just seeing one post. Putting regular content out means you are much more visible to potential leads and puts you at the front of their minds so when its time to buy, you are the person they are thinking of.

Lead generation Social media offers an easy way for potential customers to find you and learn more about your business and what you do. Many of the platforms have realised the potential for lead generation and have created tools specially designed to look at the reach and performance of your posts, as well as collecting important data from these leads, allowing you to nurture and tailor what they want to see and when.

Relationship building People buy from people and the use of social media allows you to show your potential leads your human side and to learn more about you. This leads to the development of a relationship. They will see you talking about what you do and how you are helping other people; ultimately they will start to learn to trust in what you do. Would you buy from someone you didn’t trust?

Still not sure about how to get your voice out on all the various social media’s contact us for a free no obligation consultation to see how we can help give you a voice.