Making Life Easier During School Summer Holidays: The Role of a Lifestyle Personal Assistant

The school summer holidays are just around the corner, and for many parents, it can be a juggling act to balance work, household responsibilities, and keeping the kids entertained. Fortunately, a lifestyle personal assistant can be a valuable resource during this time, providing much needed support and helping to make life easier for busy parents. In this blog post, we will explore the role of a lifestyle personal assistant and how they can assist during the school summer holidays, allowing parents to enjoy quality time with their children while maintaining their professional and personal commitments.


Personalised Planning and Organisation

A lifestyle personal assistant is adept at managing schedules, coordinating activities, and organising events. With the summer holidays often filled with various outings, holidays and extracurricular activities, a personal assistant can take charge of planning and organising these events. They can research and suggest age appropriate activities, create detailed itineraries, and handle logistics such as transportation and reservations. By taking this responsibility off the parents’ shoulders, a personal assistant ensures a well structured and enjoyable summer break.


Handling Household and Administrative Tasks

While the kids are on summer holidays, household chores and administrative tasks don’t take a break. A lifestyle personal assistant can efficiently handle these responsibilities, allowing parents to focus on spending quality time with their children. From managing finances, paying bills, and organising paperwork to overseeing home maintenance and arranging repairs, a personal assistant can ensure that the household runs smoothly during the summer holidays. They can also assist with grocery shopping, meal planning and coordinating home deliveries, making life more convenient for busy parents.


Travel and Holiday Support

Many families take advantage of the summer break to embark on holidays and travel adventures. A lifestyle personal assistant can be invaluable in managing the logistics of these trips. From researching and booking flights, accommodations, and transportation to creating detailed travel itineraries and ensuring all necessary documentation is in order, a personal assistant handles the intricate details of travel planning. They can also provide recommendations for family friendly destinations and attractions, making the holiday experience memorable and stress free.


Work Life Balance

Maintaining a healthy work life balance is crucial for parents, even during the school summer holidays. With a lifestyle personal assistant handing various responsibilities, parents can better allocate their time and energy to both work and family. By delegating tasks and minimising distractions, a personal assistant supports parents in achieving a harmonious blend of professional and personal pursuits. This balance allows parents to fully enjoy their time with their children and create lasting memories during the summer break.


The summer school holidays should be a time of relaxation, bonding and enjoyment for families. By enlisting the help of a lifestyle personal assistant, parents can alleviate the stress and overwhelm that often accompanies this time of the year. From personalised planning and organisation to handling household tasks, providing childcare assistance and supporting travel arrangements, a personal assistant plays a vital role in making life easier during the summer break. Embrace the opportunity to create a perfect work life balance and maximise the joy of spending quality time with your children this summer, knowing that a trusted personal assistant has your back.

At VASS we offer comprehensive lifestyle assistant services to support busy parents during the school summer holidays and beyond. Contact us to learn more about how we can help make your life easier and more enjoyable during this exciting time of the year.