Working from home is becoming increasingly popular for business owners and employees. People are looking for more flexibility in where they work. A great way that offers the flexible working many people crave but includes working from home but wanting to mix it up every so often is by renting a hot desk. Here are our reasons why you should rent a hot desk to work into your flexible working arrangement:
Get rid of the isolation
One of the things we have learned from living through Covid-19 is that prolonged isolation can damage our mental health. Yes, working from home can have many benefits, but it can feel isolating even for the most introverted people. Having a place where you can comfortably work outside your home, but without the distractions of a coffee shop, can help with the isolation but also help with your productivity.
Networking opportunities
When you work from home or your traditional office, you will see either the same people in the same company as you or nobody at all. The great thing about renting a hot desk is other desks will be hired by people in the same position as you and run other businesses meaning they are a great way to network but a great place to socialise.
Become more productive
Your house is full of distractions, and it can be hard to focus on your work when your mind starts to wonder if the washing machine has completed its cycle or does the dog need to go out. It takes around 23 minutes for your brain to focus on the task at hand, but with these distractions going, will your brain reach optimal focus? By stepping out of your home, you will be able to fully focus on the tasks at hand.
We all know business owners don’t always work the standard 9-5. Hot desking provides a massive range of flexibility compared to renting a complete office. With pay monthly, half days, full days, and pay per hour options, the flexibility of the time you need is there, and you can manage it within your budget.
Keeping your work and home space separate
Working from home means it can be easy for the lines to be blurred between home and work, but you should be able to spend time relaxing at home without thinking about work every time you look at your home office. Having an alternate working space from your home helps keep the lines from being blurred.
Renting a hot desk has many advantages for the home worker, business owners, entrepreneurs, and self employed workers.
If you live in South London and would like to know about a new co-working, hot desking working space coming near you soon, sign up for updates at the below link: