Being a business owner can be overwhelming at the best of times, but the pressure in the run up to Christmas can make it that little bit harder.
Business owners are also renowned for not taking care of themselves.
With more pressure on home life and preparing to take time off over Christmas, it is important to look after yourself, so you can look after your business and loved ones. Here are our top 6 tips for taking care of yourself over the holidays:
Have ‘me’ time every day
Schedule some time every day to focus on yourself, gather your thoughts, and reflect on your day and the tasks ahead. The Christmas break is the perfect time to begin your regular self-care and create a healthy habit that will continue when you get back to work.
Say no
We are always so worried that saying no will impact your business and it is no different in your personal life. Overscheduling and overworking ourselves is seen as normal, but it shouldn’t be.
But saying no can be liberating and allow you a less hectic schedule. Start over the Christmas period:
Say no to the extra party
Say no to organising more things
Say no to what you don’t want to do
Find a way to unwind
Take the time at the end of each day to unwind, reflect on your day. It will allow you to decompress and reconnect with yourself and your loved ones.
Take time to enjoy a hobby
Find something that you enjoy to do whether that be watching films, knitting, going for a daily walk. Take the time to enjoy whatever you want and let your mind rest.
Catch up with your sleep
As a business owner, it is not uncommon to work until the early hours of the morning or get up early to get a good head start. Take the time while you are taking time off to catch up with your sleep, have that lie in and have that early night.
Be in the moment
Don’t worry about what needs to be done. If you feel like you want to do something, do it. If your children ask to play and you would usually tell them you have work to do, stop and play it will make both your days.
Remember to look after yourself, and you can then look after everything else after.