Management Growth

How our Lifestyle Managers can Change your Life

Lifestyle management can be seen as a luxury service, but in this modern world, our personal lives can be just as busy and hectic as professionally. Here at VASS, we like to make our client’s lives as stress free as possible, giving them harmony in both their home and working lives.

We offer a range of services to manage and deal with both business and personal tasks, giving you back that much needed personal time to enjoy spending it with your family, friends and doing the things that you love. Here is how our lifestyle managers can change your life.

Supporting your daily schedule With the fast pace of modern life, it’s difficult to squeeze everything in. Business schedules eat up the majority of our time, but at the end of the working day there are still personal errands to take care of, leaving little time to relax. It’s vital that your daily schedule is planned in a way that is organised, managed effectively and ensures your day is as productive as possible. Our lifestyle managers can help you to create the most effective schedule to get the most out of your day, whilst also looking at where you can delegate and outsource.

Create the perfect balance Busy lives can make it hard to create the perfect work life balance. Getting the right mix of business, work and social time can be difficult, often resulting in at least one area suffering. This is another area that our lifestyle managers can work with you to ensure you create the perfect balance for you. Whether that’s setting boundaries, blocking out personal time, or working with you to manage your time more effectively.

Time management An important part to all of this is finding a way to better manage your time. This is the key to having a happy and stress-free lifestyle, whilst ensuring that all tasks, personal and professional are taken care of. To create a seamless and simple daily schedule to fit everything in.

Health and wellbeing Our health and wellbeing is often the biggest area that suffers when it comes to having a busy lifestyle. The added pressure from personal tasks can take their toll. Remembering all the little bits and pieces that need to be taken care of, as well as business related activities can cause unnecessary stress and strain. Even passing on a few tasks a week can have a dramatic impact on your mental and physical health. Whether it’s arranging your dry cleaning, organising a cleaner or booking your car in for a service, all these little bits and pieces soon add up.

Peace of mind Our aim is to help ease the daily stress and overwhelm that comes from a busy lifestyle, whilst at the same time helping you to stay on top of your tasks and be as productive as possible. Whether it’s booking your next family holiday, helping you to stay on top of your personal bills or organising your next family event, we give our clients peace of mind that everything they need to worry about is taken care of. Giving you back your time to concentrate on what matters most.

To find out more on how our lifestyle managers could change your life, call us now on 020 3890 6990.

What makes a top VA? An insight by Zelica, our Virtual Business Support Manager…

When thinking of what a ‘Virtual Assistant’ involves, it can seem like a very broad term. However, here at VASS, we employ only the most dedicated and enthusiastic VA’s with skilled specialities. It takes the mind set of a Business Manager and an expert brain to become a truly experienced Virtual Assistant, and that’s exactly what VASS look for.

So, what makes our team special?

We want to make our clients feel like they can earn back some extra time for themselves. We look after those all-important tasks that are time consuming, enabling you to concentrate on your core function. We help you to grow your business by taking care of jobs from invoicing to organising your diary, and managing events.

Why is VASS different to other agencies?

When VASS was set up, I didn’t want to be known as an ‘agency’, but more of a ‘one-stop shop’. We are a highly personable company and act as your department whilst offering you support along your journey. We are the bridge between having to ‘do it yourself’ and employing a full-time team. Our united ambition is to offer you flexibility through helping you with your growth strategy.

How we get the right team members…

I like to look for the ‘wow factor’ when adding new members to our team. It’s great to see candidates who have worked for a wide variety of people. We’re certainly impressed by those who work at the top of their game – the top events planners, the top marketers. It’s also an added bonus to see those who have had a great deal of experience in lots of areas.

How do you know if VASS is right for you?

If you don’t have the time or the interest to do aspects of your business that are important, then we can certainly help. It could be credit controlling, invoicing, or even managing the marketing and PR. If it’s something you don’t have an interest, skill or time for, then you need VASS! If you could find 2, 3 or even more hours in the day that could be spent better doing something else, then it makes sense to outsource it to our expert team at VASS!

Join our team!

If you’re an experienced Virtual Assistant, and are interested in joining our team, then please get in touch.